Installation program of AVAST32 supports so called administrator installation, which is possible to use in installation of program AVAST32 on more computers.You can prepare this installation following these steps:
1. Create a shared directory on the network and copy the index of directory AVAST32, which is located inside the root directory of distribution CD of AVAST32.
2. Now it is possible to make the change of tasks. In specific language subdirectory (eg. CZECH) is located a file ASW32C.DAT, which includes standart predefined tasks. These tasks are created by AVAST32 program itself.
So,if you wish to change the setting of tasks,or create new ones, it is necessary to install AVAST32 on one computer, on which you can perform the changes needed in task settings.
File ASW32C.DAT is,after the installation of program, located in AVAST32\DATA directory.If you wish to just change the tasks, run the program and perform the changes needed. If you wish to create all of the tasks again, delete the ASW32C.DAT file and run the program. A new file will be created with no tasks. In program then create all tasks needed.A detail description of task setup is in the Description of task configuration pages chapter.
When you will be satisfied wit task settings,terminate AVAST32 program and copy the changed file ASW32C.DAT into the installation directory.
3. It is also possible to change the ASW32S.DAT, which includes setting of groups,users and passwords. If you wish to change the security settings, proceed to next point.
File ASW32S.DAT is,after the installation, located in DATA directory, as is the ASW32C.DAT file.The setting itself is then performed through AVAST32 program using the User manager.
When you will be satisfied with security, terminate the AVAST32 program and copy the changed ASW32S.DAT file into the installation directory.
4. Next it is neccesary to change the INI files.They are raw text files, which can be edited by any available text editor.
File SETUP.INI is located directly in AVAST32 directory. Inside the SETUP.INI file is just switch EnableLangDlg, which enables the user to select, in which language the installation will run.If it will be enabled (default setting) it allow the user to choose his language. Otherwise it is automatically the language in which the operating system runs.
File ADMIN.INI is located in specified language subdirectory (eg. CZECH). This file includes all of the settings of AVAST32 program, even including the setting of automatic update. The meaning of all settings is directly inside the ADMIN.INI an in manual in Setting the program parameters chapter.
5. If everything is changed as you wish, it is posiible to start the installation from the client station. It can be run by user himself or administrator, it could be ran by SMS or under Win9x or AVCHECK program.
More informations about andministrator installation are available in ADMIN.TXT file, which is located in specified language subdirectory (eg. CZECH) in AVAST32 directory on distribution CD.